STAFFORD COUNTY, Va. (DC News Now) -- Sheriff's deputies said someone put in a lot of work to break into a convencience store to steal two 18-packs of Modelo on Saturday.
The Stafford County Sheriff's Office (SCSO) said the break-in took place at Kwik Mart, located at 115 Onville Rd. in North Stafford, in the early morning hours of May 18.
A deputy went to the business a little after 8 a.m. after staff members called to report the crime, which took place around 3:30 a.m.
Surveillance footage showed someone looking through the window, presumably to make sure no one was inside the convenience store. He steps away, returning moments later with a large planter. After four tries, he was able to break the glass, then "vault" through the opening. He landed face first on the ground.
SCSO said he ran "frantically" around the store, trying to find alcohol, eventually taking the two 18-packs of beer "before leaving in a less than graceful manner."
The sheriff's office released still images of the person who was in the surveillance footage, asking people to call it if they had any information about the "beer-napping suspect."